I had preeclampsia with my first pregnancy and our daughter was delivered at 28 weeks weighing 2 pounds 2 ounces. I was very, very sick. She was too. We were beyond lucky in that we both survived. We were even luckier than that because our little 2 pounder — really she was the size of a big banana at birth and could just about fit in my husband’s palm — thrived. We grew her in the NICU for 2 months and brought her home, a full month before her actual due date. Today she is a freshman in college, a vegetarian who voted for Bernie in her first presidential primary. I am so, so sorry for your loss — I cannot fathom what that is like because I know exactly how you were feeling in those moments — like death was coming at you. I am also so, so sorry that our country is in such a state that we have produced the likes of Trump for our highest and most important office and that there are people who are actually listening to him. Believing him.