Be vigilant. Do not give in to hopelessness.
This morning when I got up — and I have been crying since 4:30 a.m. — I came downstairs and let the dog out and she, just like every day, was all wiggly and happy to see me and she went right to the back door, ready to go outside and take care of that first important business. To be immediately followed by that second important business, breakfast. To be followed by more wiggles and petting and then a quick nap. Just like every day. In her world, nothing has changed. Her mama (me) who she loves more than anything, is still here and still taking care of her and still loving her.
We cannot allow this to change us. We must continue to be who we are, and live the life we know we should live — and help others, and be kind, and keep each other safe. I am so sad now, but I will not give in to hopelessness. We must be vigilant in our every day lives to the hate and we must push back. We must stand together. Everything we said to each privately over the last few months we must stand up now and say out loud.
We must widen our family to include those who are now in fear, and we must protect them as if they are our own. Because they are. Our own.